The list of the most useful products for facial rejuvenation

Beauty skin rejuvenation and requires an integrated approach to save an impossible dream without having to write the right diet. Existing products, Skin Rejuvenation, face cosmetology procedures the ability to Mac. The effects are visible immediately, but long term is true, if diet, is guaranteed to result in saturated important products.

Ingredients which are needed for youthful skin?


Each product is a specific combination of enzyme, minerals and vitamins to promote facial rejuvenation — is an essential factor. The exact chemical composition provides the most useful components and recommended dietary this plant and animal components or money order.

Guaranteed quality from simply eating right and important substances rejuvenation gives input, not just a person, but only the body. Proper nutrition – 85% success in this difficult matter.

Vitamins and enzymes

You can also right throughout the product toxins and free radicals. Fiber, protein and a large amount of antioxidants – this facial rejuvenation the foundation for proper nutrition:

  • Contain antioxidants, natural Yesil tea and coffee, but drinks should not be abused, enough for 2 cups.
  • Vitamins C and e, antioxidants, and "details" with other rejuvenation procedures. Numerous concept, almonds, spinach, olive oil, rosehip, lemon and orange.
  • Forget about the microorganisms that inhabit positive gut flora — probiotics, probiotics and essential. This large group of components includes the first 2 species, dairy products, the second round fruits and vegetables, fruit. The third type specific tour spices turmeric, garlic, onion and ginger.

Decline to go for a more active process of facial rejuvenation-products, liver pollutants. This is almost all sweets, fatty, smoked and very salty, as well as alcoholic beverages.

How to clear instantly, wrinkles and bags under the eyes?

Let's start, the most famous, most expensive and most dangerous method of facial rejuvenation - botox. Yes, Botox is the most effective methods to get rid of wrinkle. In addition, this cheapest, safest, no one says about the actions of the side that sooner or later will appear. Here are some of them:

  • vision problems;
  • shortness of breath, slurred speech and the characteristics of democracy;
  • plenty of skin rash;
  • itching in the area of application of botox;
  • increased heart rate;
  • the feeling of general weakness and fatigue.;

Imagine pharmaceutical vehicles forward for rejuvenation.

Shrewd marketers, he or cream a good advertisement to go, their job is to sell, not to help people.

Just so you know, expensive tools, anti-wrinkle, manufacturers Warranty the result this moisturizing cream an ordinary penny.

It's not worth it, sir, though your own tricks, package, vehicle or other "buzz words" is written and how components, which treats them drug.

Folk remedies


All folk remedies based on natural ingredients a big plus and something they won't at least damage to the body. Advantages but as practice shows, very few of them, however, a significant result.

Omega-3 fatty acids which is a source of Health, Beauty and youth. They evolve infections and allergic reactions include eggs, sea fish, seafood, and flax seed.


To protect the mental and emotional condition is important for nervous system health. For this, the necessary phospholipid-containing, cottage cheese, sunflower oil, eggs. More magnesium and calcium, B group vitamins B. All in there, almonds, bran, cabbage, vegetables and also grains and meat cultures and Yesil.

Special minerals for Skin Rejuvenation products facial should include:

  • Selenium prevents the entry of the sun's rays and protects the deeper skin layers and damage. Contains garlic, fish, tomatoes, seaweed.
  • Zinc helps to get rid of inflammation, in part, peanuts, beef and Yesil vegetables.
  • Copper which is very important for collagen production, large quantities of nuts, chocolate, milk, and seafood.
  • For the improvement of iron and calcium important for the health of the skin, a lot of them dried apricots, sea, fish, liver, apples, milk and milk products.
  • Responsible for collagen and silicon that are included with vegetables, fruits.
  • The antioxidant coenzyme Q10 – required for braking the concept of aging processes, lean meat, eggs, spinach and sardines.

Necessary at least

The product list, highlight it and use the leaves regularly, and helps to restore the skin to pay attention to: fatty saltwater fish and all seafood, honey, Yesil, tea, chocolate, nuts, and dairy products, Yesil vegetables, carrots, tomatoes, beets, lemon and seaweed. Grains with less money.

The principles of nutrition for rejuvenation


Diet for facial rejuvenation that you need a few basic principles:

  • At least 500 g of fruit and vegetables a day, preferably color (orange, red, yellow and Yesil).
  • Any avocado that might increase the absorption of herbal product. Select for cabbage carrots and unrefined vegetable oils.
  • Eat sufficient amount of protein. Facial skin rejuvenation is unimaginable without the Red Sea products such as fish, legumes, cheese, low-fat and eggs.
  • Red sea fish use for face rejuvenation is critical. This product is Omega-3 fatty acids, and other components find it is very difficult.
  • Low glycemic complex carbohydrates in the system that absolutely must have proper nutrition for facial rejuvenation. This unpolished grain flour and the sliced.
  • If you don't want to give up sweets, select, marshmallow, no preservatives and flavors, dark chocolate and marmalade. A complete list of honey and dried fruit, sugary foods for facial rejuvenation.
  • It is very important for dairy products hotel, health and beauty. The local production of products to buy in preparation for the diet should not exceed 2 weeks keep.
  • Remember, water and other useful drinks – tea Yesil a small amount of natural coffee. Water will also help you to lose weight and improve metabolism.
  • Complexes useful to insert diet. In an age when there must be a change, in the absence of calcium and vitamin D, fish – flax seed oil and fish oil capsules.

2-3 cups pure water 1 cup of americano or espresso and don't forget to drink lots of coffee. And give up sugar!

Pick up a high quality diet to prepare products for rejuvenation of the face it's not too hard. Red varieties of fish 2-3 times a month, even a modest budget you can afford. A pinch or fish oil instead.